Have you ever wanted to train with a master of the martial arts? Have you seen films where a student had exclusive private lesson training? Where you would be the only focus of a instructor?  we all want to have our personal teacher. Sharing his many years of knowledge and insight so you could progress at a accelerated rate & also have a thorough understanding of the art presented. To practice that art on various apparatus that confirms our ability! To know we can defend ourselves!

Then you have found the right place!

study with Joe Rebelo, known to many on the internet and martial arts world as KENPOJOE!


Joseph P. Rebelo II has been involved in the martial arts for over 50+ years with instructor, master and even grandmaster ranks in over 24 martial arts from chinese, okinawan, japanese, korean, filipino & american martial arts! He is a martial arts historian and has been called “A walking encyclopedia of martial arts”! as a teacher for 44 years, let him guide you through your journey into the wonderful world of the martial arts!

He is the Senior Instructor of Rebelo's Kenpo Karate (which includes the NINDORYU FUDOSHIN KOBUKAI and the WU TANG DRAGON MASTER KUNG FU ACADEMY - Wu Tang Lung Si Gung Kung Fu Kwoon). He has been involved in and at the Martial Arts for over 54 years.

As a instructor, Mr. Rebelo has taught for almost half a century in Southeastern Massachusetts area. He has been the owner/operator of 5 commercial studios. In the past,he has taught countless students at the New Bedford YMCA & YWCA, The North End Youth Agency, The Faunce Corner Racquetball Club, The New Bedford Boys & Girls Club, as well as outreach classes at various locations. He has been a self defense instructor for the New Bedford Auxillary Police and the New Bedford Chapter of the Guardian Angels. He has instructed civic groups such as the Southeastern business woman's group on his "Everyday Gestures that will save your life" lecture for practical self defense. He has taught group and private lessons thoughout his tenure, Now focusing on long-distance advanced students as well as local individuals. He is considered by many as a "Walking encyclopedia of Martial arts".

As a tournament competitor, Mr. Rebelo was in the top ten for both KRANE (Karate Referees Association of New England) & PKL (Professional Karate League) in 1989. Where He was listed in "Karate Illustrated" magazine and was the first top ten rated competitor performing Mr. Parker's Forms in tournaments in New England. He has also promoted/produced 4 open tournaments in the New Bedford area.

A noted martial arts historian, Mr Rebelo is frequently asked for information on various arts and has been quoted in texts as well as on the internet as a valued resouce on martial arts history. He has been inducted into 5 Halls of fame as a historian. He has one of the largest martial arts book, magazine and video collections in the United States. He has also been a featured TV announcer for the Ocean State Grand Nationals and the Junior National Karate Championships & co-hosted "Championship Kickboxing" in the Rhode Island area. Later, He created Television programs: "Martial Arts Today TV", "Self Defense & You" and the self titled "Rebelo's Kenpo Karate".

Mr. Rebelo is the Master of ceremonies for Alan Goldberg’s Action Martial Arts Mega Weekend for the trade show (with over 100 vendors). He is also the master of ceremonies for the Action Martial Arts Hall of Honor Awards and Banquet. Featuring over 55 counties worldwide, over 2000 attendees and boxing, kickboxing, point sparring tournament champions. Movie and TV celebrities' and worldwide Luminaries.


*10th Degree BLACK BELT (JUDAN) in Kempo (Certified by Kempo International) [ USA Vice President]

* 10 Degree BLACK BELT (JUDAN) in Nindo Kobujutsu (Okinawan Weaponry) Kancho (Division Head)

*10th Degree/Level (Duan/Toan) BLACK BELT/SASH (Hei-Se) in Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu [Chin Na-5 Animal Style-Chuan Fa][Inheiritor of the Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu style]

*10th Degree Black Belt in Chinese Hawaiian Kenpo (Pesare/Cerio Lineage) International  Kenpo Council of Grandmasters Certified

*9th Degree BLACK BELT (Master of the art) in Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate (AKWA certified)

*9th Degree BLACK BELT in David German's T.A.I.(Transitional Action Incorporated)(Kempo International certified)

*7th Degree BLACK BELT (SHICHIDAN) in Nindo Ryu Iaijutsu

*7th Degree BLACK BELT (SHICHIDAN) in Nindo Ryu Jujutsu

*6th Degree BLACK BELT (ROKUDAN) in Nindo Ryu Goshin Jujutsu ( Technical Advisor)

*6th Degree (ROKUDAN) in Okinawan Kenpo/Nisei Yoshu Ryu Kempo

*5th Degree BLACK BELT (GODAN) in Karazenpo Goshinjutsu (Past MA. Co-Vice Pres)

*5th Degree BLACK BELT (GODAN) in Chuan Fa/Kempo (Bill Gregory's Kajukenpo-Pai Lum)[Sigung]

*5th Degree BLACK BELT (GODAN) in Nindo Ryu Atemido

*5TH Degree BLACK BELT (GODAN) in George Elmer's American Chinese Kenpo Karate [Technical Advisor]

*4th Degree BLACK BELT (YODAN) in Nindo Ryu Gendai Ninjutsu [Taijutsu]

*2nd Degree BLACK BELT (LAKAN DALAWA) in Mordern Arnis (Modern Arnis World Alliance Certified)

*1st Degree BLACK BELT (YEEDAN) in Tai Chuan Tao

*1st Degree BLACK BELT in Tae Kwon Do

*1st Degree BLACK BELT (SHODAN) in Mark Shuey's Canemasters Curriculum

*SHIR FU (INSTRUCTOR) in Northern Shaolin Praying Mantis [LIU HO {SIX HARMONY}, CHI SHING {SEVEN STAR} & BA FA OR BA BU {EIGHT STEP} KUNG FU/KUO SHU/WU SHU (6TH LEVEL -White Dragon Kung Fu association certified)

*SHIR FU in Tai Chi Chuan (Wu's Short 24, Yang's Long 108, and Chen's Short 24 Forms

*INSTRUCTOR in American-Filipino Arnis-Escrima-Kali Training System

*1st Degree Black Belt in Feliciano "Kimo" Fereira's Kempo Jutsu Kai

*Honorary 1st Degree Black Belt in Raven Kenpo Jujitsu (Technical Advisor)

*Member of the Kenpo "Yudanshakai" (Black Belt Society) by GGM Al Tracy

*Kokusai Nihon Bugei Rengokai (Board Member & Nihon Kempo division kancho)

*United Martial Arts Alliance International

Member & Technical Advisor

*Kempo Jutsu International (Member and board member)

*Member of Society of Ancient Warriors

*Member Mo Lum Combat Arts Society

*World Combat Arts Federation Massachusetts Representative

*Coalition of Ancestrial Martial Arts International (Member & Massachusetts Representative)


REBELO’S KENPO KARATE offers instruction in several diverse martial arts!

you can take classes in such martial arts as:

  • Ed Parker’s American Kenpo Karate

  • David German’s T.A.I. Kenpo Jujutsu

  • northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu

  • Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu/Chuan Fa/Chin Na

  • Tai Chi Chuan

  • Nindo Ryu Kobujutsu (Okinawan Weaponry)

  • American Filipino Arnis Escrima Kali Training System

  • (Filipino Stick &Knife Fighting)

  • Tai Chuan Tao/Tae Kwon Do

  • Nindo Ryu Iaijutsu/Kenjutsu

  • (Japanese Swordsmanship)

  • Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu/Shaolin Kempo/Hawaiian Kenpo

  • Jujutsu (Gentle Art [grappling] {3 styles/systems}


You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube! use the QR code here or the icons at the bootom of the page


Watch Martial Arts Today TV & Rebelo’s Kenpo Karate on New Bedford Cable Network and Southeastern Massachusetts cable systems on channel 95 and YouTube!

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